Thursday, February 11, 2010

Journalism: The Profession!!!

Journalism is an exciting profession. Every day brings new stories, new interviews, and new learning opportunities. One of the most important parts of journalism is to act as a watchdog on the other branches of the government. This quote describes how important Thomas Carlyle thought the press's role was:

Burke said there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all.
(See the full definition of the "Fourth Estate" here)

In Carlyle's opinion, journalists played a more important role than the three estates of parliament. In many cases this is true, because it is the media that exposes the wrong-doings and the corruption in politics.

Journalists aren't perfect, though. There are many dangers a journalist faces when they are either too emotionally involved in a story. It is fine for a journalist to feel emotions when they report on a story, but it is not good when their feelings influence how they do the report. Too much involvement in a story may make a journalist more of an advocate than a journalist. This has caused many people to lose trust in the media. For more information on how to restore trust in journalism, check out THIS site about a conference held to encourage journalists to do just that ... afterall, we are reporters of TRUTH. The public should be able to trust us!

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