Thursday, February 25, 2010

Independence and Journalism

Independence is a crucial part of journalism. I thought it was interesting when the book stated that "being impartial or neutral is not a core principle of journalism." It is inevitable that journalists will have opinions ... but it is our allegiance to the facts that make us independent from those we cover. The following are some of the ways journalists can be indepedent, and examples of each:
Independence of mind:
"I feel that my first responsibility is to tell what happened, and secondarily, to express my opinion, let's say, or an interpretation, or, as briefly as possible, to put this particular performance in its place in the scene. And I think that, in a way, is reporting too" -John Martin, NY Times
Maggie Gallagher case

Independence in their practice:
Was this a good idea?: Linda Greenhouse defends freedom of choice by demonstrating

Independence from class or economic status, race, ethnicity, religion, and gender:
"Reader Advocate" blog of Saratoga Herald-Tribune helps make sure that journalists continue tradition of independence.

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