Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Observations on Blogging

I've decided it is completely appropriate for me to share what I have observed about blogging - since we have discussed this medium of communication at length in the classroom. I sat, amazed, as I learned the amount of money that can be made simply by writing and posting blogs! What a great idea. Write whatever is on your mind. Develop your own voice - and advertise yourself! Sounds like a fantastic - and fantastically simple business model. Just one dilemma ... what could I possibly write about that would be of interest to the thousands of followers I would need to actually see the payoff? This brings me to my original thought on blogging. I'm a big fan of demotivators.com. It's just the pessimistic sarcasm that I, an extreme optimist, find hilarious! Check out this poster about blogging...Well. That about sums up my opinion on the matter. Maybe some day I will have something super important to write about ... and I will become a blogging millionaire. For now, however, I will continue to blog on my private account about more observations on blogging and other forms of communication.

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